Protection and Resources for Coronavirus

Dear Friends,

As loving human beings, practitioners of eastern medicine, conscientious parents and concerned citizens, we offer the following information in devoted service to all of you in our community. These basic practices can boost our immunity and maximize our natural defenses against viruses.  We have been successfully implementing these practices in our own home and with our patients for many collective years.

We are also currently collaborating with other acupuncturists, healers and practitioners of complementary medicine worldwide, who are reporting their experiences of treatment and prevention of the coronavirus and covid-19. 

We pray you are all nourishing yourselves well and taking time to see all of the wonder and opportunity amidst the shit hitting the fan.

May you be filled with resilient vitality and the understanding that we have the power within us to create it.

With Love,

Eva and Geoffrey Hughes 


Coronavirus Protection

Our top suggestions for how you can take the best care of yourself during these extraordinary times:

 Some Basics:

  1. Gargle with Salt water and Oregano oil 2-3 x day: Corona virus breeds on the throat. Gargling with an ounce of warm salt water and a drop of oregano oil can help kill viruses on the throat. By now we’ve all been briefed on good hygiene for a global pandemic. If you want to know more, go to gov or In addition to your hand washing, disinfectant wipe-downs and social distancing, we recommend clearing your throat with a gargle when you’ve come home from any external interactions, especially if you are travelling or feeling even the slightest bit unwell.
  2. Even though this may be obvious, EAT GOOD FOOD: 70% of our bodies immune cells are located in our digestive tracts. Cultivating optimal digestion is the cornerstone of excellent health and eating a good, balanced diet is an enormous part or that. It’s a HUGE subject, but in an attempt to keep it super simple:  In general lean towards fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains that are organic (know your “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen”. If it’s in a package, make sure it’s minimally processed and has pronounceable and sustainably sourced ingredients.  
  3. Stay well hydrated: drinking plenty of high-quality water is one of the best things you can do to flush toxins from your body and help support the immune system. For anti-viral support sip on fresh ginger root tea, fresh thyme tea, fresh celery juice, nettles tea and green tea. A good general rule for water consumption is: ½ your body weight in ounces (so if you’re 150lbs, it’s best to drink 75oz of water). Add fresh lemon juice bonus immune points! Also consider using a humidifier at night so your mucosal membranes (our first line of defense) can remain healthy and resilient.
  4. Reduce your sugar intake: Avoid eating processed sugars. Sugar and white flour decrease white blood cells and increase inflammation for hours after consumption, weakening the immune system and our ability to deal with viruses and bacteria. Go ahead and enjoy your occasional treat. It’s the daily habits that get us into trouble. Read labels, in general we don’t want any of that junk in our bodies.
  5. Get adequate and quality sleep: Quality is more important than quantity, however, adults generally need 7-9 hours of sleep. Poor sleep can negatively affect every system in the body, especially the immune system.
  6. De-stress: Stress stimulates Cortisol production which ends up decreasing our lymphocytes which in turn impairs our immunity. If there’s ever been a time to employ the tools and techniques we know to un-wind, chill out and relax, it’s right now! It’s time to move your body, get fresh air by going on neighborhood walks, get into nature, head to the beach or the into the trees, do on-line yoga classes, take a relaxing bath, read poetry, meditate, make love, breathe deeply, wake up slowly, hug yourself and mean it…
  • DANCE! – we’ve been having daily dance parties (just us and our son) that feel so uplifting and energizing. We made a playlist on Spotify that you’re welcome to access and enjoy called “Dancin Feet”. Play it loud and get grooving!
  • LAUGH! – Have you seen Trevor Noah’s stand up specials on Netflix? We highly recommend both of them. Watch YouTube clips of the best gag-reels and bloopers from movies and news and TV shows.
  • LIMIT YOUR NEWS WATCHING! – And pick your sources well. It’s important that we all stay well informed and current with everything that is happening right now, but don’t go crazy!! Tuning into the latest news a couple times a day should be sufficient. The more your mind marinates in the stew of sensationalizing, catastrophizing and myopic fear mongering, rampant in main stream media sources, the more cortisol you produce and the harder it is to remain attuned to the present moment awareness that includes a far bigger picture.
     7. Stock up on as much TP and paper towels as you can get 
         your sanitized hands on!! – Just kidding. What’s with the TP hoarding? Are we missing something here?


Some specifics: 

  1. Take immune boosting supplements:
    • Vitamin C – 1,000-4,000mg/day – Liposomal is the best form. We use lipospheric and Mercola
      • Vitamin C rich foods include: broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes.
    • Zinc Sulfate (liquid) – we use vimergy zinc
      • Zinc rich foods include: parsley, sprouts and microgreens, nettle leaf, onions, pumpkin seeds, artichokes, collard greens, raw honey and radishes.
    • N-acetyl cystine (NAC) – a potent antioxidant that helps maintain respiratory health and lung function – we use Pure Encapsulations
    • Probiotics – we use Therabiotic by Klaire Labs and Dr. Mercola
      • Probiotic rich foods include: sauerkraut (raw, unpasteurized is best and super easy to make at home), yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kvass, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, sourdough bread and raw, unpasteurized milk and cheeses.
    • Oregano Oil – we use encapsulated oregano oil to take orally and oregano oil drops for topical (put a few drops on your feet at night) and one drop in salt water to gargle with.
    • Vitamin D – 1,000-2,000 IU/day
      • Vitamin D rich foods include: wild-caught salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, herring, egg yolks and mushrooms
  1. Take antivirals now: particularly if you have to travel for any reason.
    • Elderberry - We always have a bottle of elderberry syrup in the fridge during cold and flu season. In addition to elderberries being high in Vitamin C, they have a load of other, critical vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that significantly enhance immune function and support the lungs. Most importantly elderberries contain proteins and bioflavonoids that destroy viruses!! It’s a good idea to take some form of elderberry daily right now. With homemade syrup, adults can take 2-3 TBS a day and kiddos can take 2-3 tsp a day. It’s super easy to make your own!
    • We’re currently awaiting a shipment of a potent antiviral herbal formula that has worked against SARS and HINI and is a powerful pulmonary protective. Reach out if you’re interested.
  2. Drink Green Tea.In addition to being high in antioxidants, green tea is high in quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate (if you can pronounce it you get a bonus immune boost!!), substances that have been found to destroy 3CL, an enzyme that plays an essential role in the replication of the Coronavirus.  Ask us about our favorite green tea matcha latte recipe!
    • quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate are also found in: flax seeds, citrus peel, orange peel, oregano, garlic, ginger, elderberry, turmeric
  3. Get Support: We are still seeing our clients via Zoom and FaceTime. Please reach out if you’d like to schedule a time to talk about what you can do personally to enhance your immunity and up-level your health and wellness. We are doing guided meditation, remote healing, group classes and more


“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed."

~Kitty O'Meara'~


We have a multitude of tools and resources at our disposal that we can integrate in a sensible way to better our odds in staying healthy, safe and vital.  We must be patient, deliberate in our actions and conscious in our responses. If this is an opportunity, where shall we direct it to take us?

Let’s CREATE the outcome of this circumstance by living fully in this moment of absolute need for all of us to think together in the most inclusive way we can. Spread the love in our hearts, but let’s quell this virus. 


May we all awaken in this expanded moment of extraordinary events, with a depth of breath that will allow for ease in how we take action.  May we expand ourselves beyond our fears and respond to circumstance in a way that allows for compassion in our efforts with how we take care of ourselves, our families, loved ones, neighbors and brothers and sisters all over the world.  Let us be all-inclusive with our love, empathy and care in each one of our interactions.                                   We deserve to know the effects of such a possible reality.

Many Blessing to All
